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You: On A Diet: The Owner's Manual for Waist Management (Hardcover)

I am not a doctor, nor am I a nutritionist or fitness trainer. Nevertheless, I am an AVID reader of anything related to the above, and I own or have read or tried most of the major fitness books and programs on the market today. So, to say that this is most definitely the best book out there for real, sustainable weight loss and health maintenance is not something I take lightly. But it is the best diet/health book I have read.

There are several reasons this book is so good. First, the illustrations combined with the witty dialogue make it fun to read. Second, the book is written by two highly talented doctors, and they impart their knowledge about how our bodies work and how they lose weight to readers in a very accessible way. Third, this plan is incredibly DOABLE. And that is probably the most important aspect of any diet, since so much failure in the realm of weight loss and weight maintenance results from our inability to keep up with the extreme measures many programs require (How many days in a row can one eat only cabbage soup? Can you go a lifetime counting points every time you put something in your mouth? Do you really want to calculate nutrient percentages for every meal you have?).

In a nutshell, You: ON a Diet discusses how your body works and why it gets fat. It provides extra incentive to lose weight by highlighting all of the health problems fat can cause. Then it sets forth a VERY REASONABLE AND HEALTHFUL plan for losing weight and gaining health. That plan includes:

1. Walking for 30 minutes every day.
2. Performing 30 minutes of weight training each week.
3. Doing 60 minutes of additional, higher intensity cardio each week.
4. Taking a stretch break for 5 minutes each day - preferably after your walk.
5. Eating more fiber and cutting out the saturated and trans fats and enriched flours and sugars (the "white stuff").
6. Eating 3 meals plus snacks daily, and eating one of the healthier desserts in the book only every other day.
7. Trying to eat basically the same thing for breakfast and lunch each day (this is so effective I have found - variety sometimes breeds indulgence).
8. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
9. Getting "some" on a regular basis, if you know what I mean.
10. Drinking lots of water.

And that's basically it. If you follow these guidelines, you will lose weight (or as Dr. Oz likes to say - lose "waist"), and you will look, feel and be healthier. And if you make a mistake? MAKE A U-TURN. It's OK. This is a lifestyle program, not a get-thin-quick scam.

For its entertaining and informative text, and effective and healthful and reasonable program, I rate this book a HIGH 5. The best I've read, and I've read most of them. Bravo.
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Fed Up! : The Breakthrough Ten-Step, No-Diet Fitness Plan (Paperback)

Her purpose in writing "Fed Up!" is to encourage a "nationwide rethinking about whether dieting and maintaining mental lists of so called good and bad foods actually leads to long term health and weight management." She wants her readers to think seriously about the impact of cultural pressures and the pursuit of unrealistic beauty standards.

Wendy's book provides steps you can take to achieve a healthy mind and body. You will become more relaxed in your relationship with food and consider the psychological barriers to health and fitness.

The steps are:

Step One: Recognize Your Exhaustion:
Is Food Preoccupations Running Your Life?

In this chapter, you can take a "Are You Exhausted?" Self-Inventory test.
The results may surprise you.

Step Two: Reject the Cultural Myths That Make You Diet and Gain Weight

In this chapter you will find information on how to calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index). This will help you figure out what weight you should be as opposed to how much you weigh now. With a few simple calculations you will find out if you are actually underweight, a healthy weight or overweight.

Step Three: Decide That You Are Good Enough Today to Love Yourself Today
Step Four: Learn to Experience, Trust and Enjoy Hunger and Satiation
Step Five: Straight Talk about Exercise
Step Six: Get Your Doctor on Your Weight-Loss Team
Step Seven: Learn to Wait to Lose Weight
Step Eight: Break Through the Secrecy
Step Nine: Redefine Your Life: What's More Important to You Than Dieting?
Step Ten: Give to the Next Generation: Preventing Eating Disorders and Obesity in Children

This is not a book about fancy meal plans, supplements, exercise equipment, foods you should and should not eat. There are no diets in this book!

This book is about taking control of your mind and body. Wendy offers advice on how to develop an enjoyable, effective and sustainable fitness program. She also discusses how parents can help prevent eating disorders in their children.

"Fed Up!" shows you how to enjoy the primordial pleasures of eating
while focusing on how to avoid the modern madness of diets.

If you are ready to break free from the prison of dieting, this ten-step plan will help
you to control your eating, lose excess pound and maintain your ideal weight.

Inspirational and Insightful. Read more

100 Days of Weight Loss: The Secret to Being Successful on ANY Diet Plan (Paperback)

A 44-year-old woman that has struggled to lose weight for a number of years writes this review. The combination of too much work, and not enough sleep and exercise resulted in "excess storage tissue" as my darling husband likes to call it. If you have ever struggled with excess weight and couldn't motivate yourself to stick with a diet for the long haul you should read this book.

The book is subdivided in 10-day blocks as follows:
1. Set up for success
2. Put food in its place
3. Conscious eating
4. Listen to your body
5. Jump-start motivation
6. Emotional eating
7. Triggers and word play
8. Growing stronger
9. Long-term success
10. Put it into action

This book is written in 2 page chapters that you are suppose to read each day. The author presents a very concise and thought provoking idea each day. Then the author asks you to think about the topic and what it means to you and answer a question or two.

By honestly answering the questions in this book I was able to identify long held beliefs that were not serving me well. As a victim or sexual assault in my freshman year of college I connect thinness with danger, subconsciously. This book helped me to bring these thoughts to the surface so that I could recognize them and deal with them before they showed up on my hips. I am not trying to imply that someone with deep-seated underlying issues is the target audience of this book. What I am trying to convey is that I think this book can help the casual dieter, or those that have issues that go deeper. If you are honest with yourself when you answer the questions each day you might be surprised at what bubbles to the surface.

The book is written in a very pleasant conversational tone. The author is in no way condescending, like some other books I have read on the topic. The ideas the author puts forth are very simple yet effective. If you are looking for an awareness of what you do that has caused excess weight to accumulate you will learn something about yourself and your habits reading this book. This book is also full of tips and tricks to keep you on track. In my opinion this is a very useful book from the perspective that it altered my thoughts about food. I recommend this book to anyone that is struggling with excess weight. Read more


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