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Extracts from A. Vogel's classic work
The Nature Doctor

Oh Mani Padme Hum


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Hawthorn Berry - BioforceHawthorn for weak heart muscle:

The splendid remedy, Crataegus tincture, is made from the dark red berries, haws, to be found hanging in small bunches from the thorny hawthorn shrubs by the wayside or in the meadows every autumn. When I was a child, my friends and I called them ‘mealy berries’. We children did not know anything about them, except that they were good to eat (their pulpy inside is not unlike cooked sweet potato) and of course we ate them because there was probably nothing else at the particular moment. Certainly we did not need those berries when we were young, for Crataegus is a heart remedy, and is particularly valuable in cases of weak heart muscles.

When arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure and, especially, a hardened and constricted coronary artery are diagnosed, there is no doubt that Crataegus is the best, most harmless and the most reliable remedy that can be taken. Crataegus is a successful remedy for angina pectoris, when heart cramps occur. These cramps are usually accompanied by stabbing pains in the region of the heart resulting in difficult breathing and a weak, irregular pulse. In this case, where immediate relief is necessary, take five to ten drops every half hour. When the pains subside and cramps have eased, fifteen to twenty drops taken three times a day will suffice. For cardiac dilatation, the main treatment should consist of heart hormones and Crataegus taken at the same time.

Cardiac Asthma:

Even though cardiac asthma has the same main characteristics as bronchial asthma, no abnormalities of the bronchial passages can be detected. Cardiac asthma is the result of a weak heart. If the left lung of the heart is affected, this means an accumulation of blood in the lung. Should the right half be affected, the result is poor blood circulation in the lungs, which in turn causes a decrease in the exchange of gases.

The face of a person suffering from cardiac asthma has a bluish tinge, and breathing is difficult when engaging in the slightest physical activity. As soon as the problem has been diagnosed, treatment with cardiac remedies and medicines that influence the vascular system should begin. In order to strengthen the myocardium Crataegus, a hawthorn preparation, is the most beneficial. Aesculus, which stimulates the circulation when taken with a calcium preparation such as Urticalcin, promotes recovery. In any case, it is advisable to diagnose the cause of the disease and then proceed to treat each patient according to his medical requirements as well as applying the appropriate form of physical therapy.

Both extracts from The Nature Doctor by Alfred Vogel, A.Vogel Publishing House, Teufen (first appeared in 1952; 2004 Edition).


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